June 19,1997

Syracuse, New York

This was a historic day for the Presbyterian Church (USA). This afternoon, by a vote of 489 to 38 the "Formula of Agreement" was adopted leading to "full communion" with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Reformed Church in America, and the United Church of Christ. This agreement provides for a recognition of each others sacraments and ministries and living together in a trusting relationship. It requires no new structures and no changes in polity regarding ordination. The agreement still needs to be approved by the presbyteries and the other denominations. Shortly after this vote the Assembly voted to continue in the Consultation on Church Unity by 387 to 145.

Another significant vote was taken this evening. By a vote of 301 to 233 the Assembly approved a minority report on abortion that reads:

That the 209th General Assembly (1997) offer a word of counsel to the church and our culture that the procedure known as intact dilation and extraction (commonly called "partial birth" abortion) of a baby who could live outside the womb is of grave moral concern and should be considered only if the mother's physical life is in danger by the pregnancy.
The debate, while spirited, was respectful and upon announcement of the results the arena was very silent.

This morning, in what some here are regarding as a barometer of tomorrow's vote on the "fidelity and chastity" section of the Book of Order, two pro-amendment B nominees to the Permanent Judicial Commission were challenged and replaced by nominees from the floor by votes of 280 to 252 and 269 to 248. This debate (and it should not have been a debate under the standing rules but it degraded into one) was not as respectful.

Tomorrow afternoon overture 97-10, heavily amended, comes to the floor. The proposed new wording of Book of Order section G-6.0106b is:

Those who are called to office in the church are to lead a life in obedience to Jesus Christ, under the authority of Scripture and instructed by the historic confessional standards of the church. Among these standards is the requirement to demonstrate fidelity and integrity in marriage or singleness, and in all relationships of life. Candidates for ordained office shall acknowledge their own sinfulness, their need for repentance, and their reliance on the grace and mercy of God to fulfill the duties of their office.
The committee report is docketed for 2:05 tomorrow afternoon and I would ask that you hold the process up on prayer.

There were a number of other more routine, but interesting, events today. GA approved the transfer of the piece of Riverside Presbytery holding the Chino Hills NCD to San Gabriel. The new call system was approved providing for more technology in exchanging information and simplified forms to provide a faster and more stream-lined system.

I realized that I did not comment on worship yesterday. The theme was the third great end: The Maintenance of Divine Worship. Rev. James Costen, retiring president of the Interdenominational Theology Center, preached a wonderful sermon on "The Perils of Deferred Maintenance." In regards to preaching and preparation of sermons he commented that "'Saturday Night specials' are death." Today, the theme was "The Preservation of the Truth," the fourth great end, and the preacher was Elder Kathleen Norris. Ms. Norris seems to be the closest that the presbyterian church has to a mystical writer. An interesting sermon but not the best of the week.

Well, the hour is late and I should catch some sleep. I thank you all for your prayers. Considering how little sleep I have been getting there is no reason I should be doing this well. Praise to God for preserving my strength. I'm sure the GA worship life helps as well as adrenalin and coffee.

Tomorrow night typically runs late so I will not guarantee an update tomorrow. Few reports have been arrested and deferred to tomorrow evening, and Book of Order appears to be the only committee with a substantially controversial report tomorrow, although the Anderson Report must be lurking in there somewhere. We'll see.

In Christ,